Your trees and shrubs represent a growing investment worth protecting. Our 5 visit program of scheduled inspection and treatment helps to keep all of your ornamentals healthy and in top growing condition. There are hundreds of insects and diseases which can attack and infest your landscape. Lopez Lawn & Landscapes Ornamental Tree and Shrub Program consists of specifically designed and scheduled applications. Your basic annual applications will include the following:
Fertilization: Your trees and shrubs receive feedings late in the year to promote root growth. This helps plants to recover from summer stress and prepare for winter. Fertilization in the spring promotes new growth and aids in recovery from winter stress.
Disease Control: Landscape plants which are prone to particular diseases receive preventive treatments throughout the season. If other diseases appear, they are immediately treated with the proper control material.
Insect Control: Trees and shrubs receive a combination of preventive treatments and control treatments as needed to take care of a wide variety of insect problems throughout the year.
Continuous Monitoring: The landscape is monitored all season long by your professional tree and shrub specialist. In this way, problems can be identified and corrected before they seriously affect your landscape.
Visit 1. Spring:
March through April
Dormant Horticultural Oil Spray & Slow Release Fertilizer. Benefits: This treatment provides control of overwintering insects and egg masses such as scale and mites. Fertilization in the spring promotes new growth and aids in recovery from winter stress.
Visit 2. Early Summer:
May through June
Insect/Disease Control Spray. Benefits: This control mixture provides mid-season protection against insects such as birch leaf minor, tent caterpillars, spidermites, etc.. It also protects against diseases such as apple scab and twig blight.
Visit 3. Summer:
July through August
Insect/Disease Control Spray. Benefits: This provides mid-summer season protection against insects such as Japanese beetles, weevils, mites, lace bugs, etc., and diseases such as leaf spots and powdery mildew.
Visit 4. Late Summer:
August through September
Insect/Disease Control Spray. Benefits: This provides late-season protection against insects such as scale, lace bugs, webworms, etc., and diseases such as leaf spots.
Visit 5. Fall Fertilization:
October through December
Dormant Horticultural Oil Spray & Deep Root Fertilization. Benefits: This provides a balanced macronutrient and micronutrient fertilizer to the plants and root system, which helps to enhance plant vigor and health, and prepares it for the winter season.

Hi. I live in winghaven, MO. Need to get started with the tree and scrub care programs soon. I have landscape already done. Please email me. What is your response time ?