Nutsedge is a common weed found in many home lawns and other turf grass areas in the United States. There are many different types of Nutsedge, but Yellow and Purple Nutsedge are the most common turf pests. Nutsedge is easy to distinguish in your lawn due to their characteristics in growth habit, light green color and rapid growth rate resulting in a non-uniform turf.
Although nutsedges are often referred to as “nutgrass” and resemble grasses, they are not grasses but true sedges. Their leaves are thicker and stiffer than most grasses and are arranged in sets of three at the base. Yellow nutsedge has light brown flowers and seeds. Purple nutsedge flowers have a reddish tinge and the seeds are dark brown or black.
Life Cycle
Yellow and Purple nutsedge are perennial plants. They usually die back in the fall as temperatures decrease and the tubers and rhizomes of the plant survive in the soil to sprout the next spring. Tubers are usually in the top 6 inches of the soil and can remain dormant for up to three years before germinating.
When a nutsedge shoot reaches the surface it forms a basal bulb, from which grow roots and thin, wiry underground stems with new tubers at their ends. In one year, the outward growth from one tuber has the potential to produce 1,900 new plants and 7,000 new tubers.
There are many products available to aid in the control of nutsedge in turf areas. There are no products that will wipe it out completely and there is no prevention. Repeat applications year after year will be required for control, as there are always dormant tubers not affected by the treatment which can sprout later in the season or next year.
If you suspect you have Nutsedge in your lawn, contact us @
we can schedule a treatment.
